KMB APP 1933

Reach out to a massive audience of Hong Kong citizens with targeted ads, increase your brand's visibility, and drive more sales and conversions
App Downloads*
Monthly Active Users*
* Data as of Apr 2023
Daily Active Users*

Monthly Active Users ^
HK Top 5 App
^ Source: Data.ai

KMB APP 1933
AD Point
Over 2,000 bus routes Including KMB, LWB, Citybus, New Lantao Bus, and Green Minibus
Over 60,000 bus route stops for selection
100% SOV on the bus stops selected
Eye-catching non-disruptive advertising format where user check bus arrival time
POI advertising on the bus route map (Map Point)

KMB APP 1933
Bus Stop Push Ad
The largest outdoor bluetooth advertising infrastructure on bus stops in Hong Kong
Reaching out the users of KMB APP 1933 in real time and real location
Bus Stop Push Ad
High accuracy of location-based targeting
Can reach user within 20 - 50 meters of the designated bus stops