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Terms & Conditions


These Terms and Conditions stipulate the conditions of use of the “Move Hub Application" ("Application") which Move Hub Limited (“MH”) develops and operates. These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement between MH and you, as the user of the Application(whom we refer to as “you”, “your” or the “User"). MH retains all rights, title and interests (including intellectual property rights) on all the components and parts of the Application when providing this Application and the related services to you. 


Before accessing to our service and the Application, please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. To access any part of our service, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Application.





You should not use the Application and/or our services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose and must not transmit any viruses or destructive codes. 


A breach or violation of any of these Terms and Conditions will result in the immediate termination of your services in the absolute discretion of MH.





We reserve the right to modify or provide any updates or supplement to these Terms and Conditions and the content of the Application at any time, but we have no obligation to seek for your consent. You agree that it is your own responsibility to monitor the changes of these Terms and Conditions.


We reserve the full right to modify or discontinue the operation of the Application and provision of such service without any notice. You agree to be bound by any or all modifications made to these Terms and Conditions if you continue using the Application.





You must be at least 13 years old to apply for an account and use the Application including but not limited to collecting the virtual currency and goods. 





When using the service provided by MH and the Application, you are required to register as a user in our Application and may be asked to provide personally identifiable information. You may link to your social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Google Account etc) or use your email address to register as a user. You hereby agree to keep your password confidential and be responsible for all the use of and all activities that occur under your account and password. You should take all necessary precautions to maintain the confidentiality of your username and password. You hereby agree and acknowledge that the use of the Application and service provided by MH hereunder by any person whatsoever (whether authorized by you or not) with your username and password shall constitute and be deemed the use of the Application and service by MH. Each user shall only have one account and is prohibited from having and applying for multiple accounts. Using such methods or ways to assist your account to obtain extra benefits or extra Move Reward (“Reward’) will cause the related accounts to be suspended, banned and terminated. The Reward will also be forfeited at MH’s sole discretion. 


If the username is inappropriate, obscene, offensive or which might violate a copyright or trademark, we reserve the right to remove, or reclaim the username.


Valid email address is needed for account verification. Any accounts found to be using fake email address will be subject to suspension or termination.

You may be asked to provide personally identifiable information for registration of the Application and service herein. See our Privacy Policy Statement and Collection of Personal Data Statement for more details about this. You hereby undertake to provide at all times and maintain such accurate, complete and true personal identifiable information as required. If MH doubts about the authenticity of your personally identifiable information, you maybe asked for further verification. MH has the absolute right to suspend or terminate or refuse to provide the services herein (or any portion thereof) whether currently or in the future.

If the abnormal use of Application and service is detected, including but not limiting to the constantly log in and log out situation within a short period of time, the related accounts will be suspended, banned and terminated.

Notwithstanding the aforesaid, MH cannot and will not be responsible and liable for any loss or damages arising from your failure to comply with this term. You shall remain liable for any use of the Application (whether authorized by you or not) under your username and registered email address. 





5.1. You hereby agree that when you use certain services in the Application, for example, uploading documents, the Application may use the camera lens or photos stored in your mobile device. However, the Application will not gain access to any information in the photo album of your mobile device other than the documents uploaded by you.


5.2. Certain services in the Application will access your social media accounts (e.g. Whatsapp, Facebook, Messengers, Skype etc) stored on your mobile device when you use the social media “sharing” function in the Application. Your decision to use such function is entirely and absolutely voluntary. This function will remain disabled if you refrain from clicking on the “sharing” function for any or all of the selected social media accounts on your mobile device, or directly in your social media account, and the Application will not gain access to your social media accounts on your mobile device. By choosing to use the “sharing” function, you are allowing certain services in the Application to access your social media accounts stored on your mobile device. Given different ways for different social media platforms and devices to disable such “sharing” function, you agree to check those settings by yourself and adjust your private settings if necessary and applicable. This “sharing” function will not release your personal data to any third party. Nonetheless, the privacy policy for handling such personal data from your social media accounts is out of MH’s control, and MH will not be liable for any consequences of your use of such “sharing” function on any social media platform.


5.3. You may receive push notifications when using the Application. If you do not wish to receive these in-app notifications, you may deactivate these in-app notifications any time by turning off your private notification settings in your mobile device. Given different ways to disable such function for different mobile devices, you agree to check those settings by yourself and adjust your private settings if necessary and applicable.





The Application and the service provided by MH may include “virtual currency” (hereinafter may also refer as "Move Coins" or “Coins”) and virtual goods.


By collecting or obtaining the Coins and virtual goods, you acknowledge that such collection is subject to these Terms and Conditions. MH can manage, regulate, control, modify or eliminate virtual currency and/or virtual goods, including its quantity at our discretion. We will have no liability to you or any third parties for any of our actions.


User may access to the application from the designated hyperlink, in order to obtain certain quantity of virtual currency and goods. If there is any issue related to the record of virtual currency and virtual goods, it would be subject to the system record of MH.

You have no right and title for transferring, reproducing, selling, reselling or trading the virtual currency and virtual goods.


You agree to these Terms and Conditions that your account or the service can be terminated for any reason at MH’s absolute discretion. MH is not responsible for lost or stolen Coins and virtual goods and we will have no liability to you.


User has the responsibility to review the updated information of the services provided by MH and the status of collected virtual currency and goods. You agree to use reasonable actions to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable after being aware of the same. However, MH does not guarantee that the Application and the services provided will be free of faults or the Coins and virtual goods will be free of error. MH do not accept any liability for any errors or omissions. In the event of an error or fault, you should report it to us.





7.1. The Coins, virtual goods and any rewards are redeemable by you from the merchants stated in the Application through MH. The rewards for which the Coins can be redeemed will be stated in the Application, together with the period of validity. The rewards must be redeemed within the period of validity stated in the Application and you will not be entitled to any refund from MH for unused Coins, any virtual currency or virtual goods which have expired. Any attempt to redeem the Coins and virtual goods contrary to these Terms and Conditions and the instructions stated in the Application may render the virtual currency and Coins void at MH’s absolute discretion.


7.2. The virtual currency and goods in our Application do not have monetary value and it does not represent any real money and any type of property. They also cannot be sold, transferred or exchanged for cash. We have the right to claim the losses from the related users or you for any transactions without MH’s authorisation. 





The Application includes the operation and control of a skill-based game machine via an online interface. This machine is located in a remote location, decided by MH from time to time. We reserve the right to amend, modify or change the setting of interface of the Application, including the design, layout, underlying code, software or the features and materials of the Application or machines and/or the dolls present in the machine, without any notice or liability to you at our sole discretion.


Users shall make sure the quality of their internet connectivity and appropriate telecommunication links, which may directly affect the operation of the services and the Application. We will not be responsible for any losses arising therefrom. We do not warrant that your use of the Application will be uninterrupted or any information transmitted will be accurate, reliable or in a timely manner. We also do not warrant that the Application are free from virus or anything else which may have a harmful effect on any technology.





If you have violated the rules of using the application and causing us to suffer from losses, you are liable to the claims. The violation includes but not limiting to the user's abnormal traffic to the application, providing inaccurate and false data, as well as disrupting the order of the application.





10.1. If you are under the age of 18, you have to be accompanied by your parents or guardian(s) when you obtain or collect your rewards.


10.2. You are required to collect some of the redeemed rewards at the designated location within the designated period. Otherwise, the rewards will be forfeited automatically, with no refund of  the Coins, virtual goods and any rewards.


10.3. Some of the redeemed rewards will be delivered by post. You are responsible to provide the correct address in the redemption process. MH is not responsible for any loss or damage associated with the delivery.


10.4. Some of the redeemed rewards will be delivered by email. The E-Coupon code is one of the examples. You are responsible to check whether the email is received.


10.5. You hereby understand and accept that all privileges and rewards are available in limited quantities, on a first come, first served basis, and that if a reward cannot be redeemed before the deadline due to limited stock or other similar reasons, there will be no compensation for the Coins, virtual goods and any rewards redeemed.


10.6. Once the rewards are redeemed and delivered, it cannot be returned or exchanged and also subject to the policy of various merchants. We have made every effort to display the images as accurately as possible on the Application. We cannot guarantee that the display on your devices will be the same as the physical products. Also, the respective merchants will have their own applicable terms and conditions in relation to their own supply of the rewards and you agree to abide by those terms and conditions. It is also the sole discretion of the merchants in the Application to determine the use of the rewards and all the rewards offered are subject to these Terms and Conditions and to any terms and conditions of the merchants.


10.7. MH shall have the right to determine the amount of virtual currency and virtual goods required to redeem rewards and the ways of collecting rewards from time to time at its absolute discretion.





When you use some of our services provided in the Application such as “Hunt” and search functions for searching Coins and virtual goods at designated locations, MH may access, collect, monitor or use information in relation to your physical location sent from your mobile device. You hereby consent to MH and Google accessing, collecting, monitoring, disclosing, transmitting, maintaining, processing and using your location data to prove the Services in accordance with this Terms and Conditions and that of Google. You also understand and acknowledge that some location-based functions may not function properly if you choose to disable such functions or use.





The Application may contain links to other resources provided by third parties which are for easy access or your information only. MH will not be responsible or bear any liability for the content of those other sites or loss and damages arising from the presence, use, suspension, disruption and/or other non-availability of those websites. Your access or interaction with those websites are of your own risk and sole responsibility. 


You hereby acknowledge and agree that MH has no control on such third parties and the terms of such third parties may override some of the terms of the services provided by MH and the Application. 





You agree that all personal identifiable information provide by you for registration of the service and the Application, redemption of reward or such information arising from the relationship with MH shall be subject to the Privacy Policy Statement and Collection of Personal Data Statement issued by MH from time to time. 


You agree that the Application or MH may send email to you to inform you of the upcoming events or offers and notifying you of changes to these Terms and Conditions and the service provided by MH, or other purposes, we deem appropriate. 


When posting a review, you must comply with the following criteria: 

(a) you should have first-hand experience;


(b) you should not post any false or misleading statements;


(c) your reviews should not contain discriminatory references based on religion, race, gender, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability;


(d) your reviews should not contain abusive, racist, offensive or hate language; and


(e) your reviews should not contain illegal references;


We may accept, reject, or remove reviews at MH’s discretion. Reviews do not represent the views of our company and our partners. We do not have liability for any claims and liabilities for any reviews.





Information on the Application or website may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions of service, promotions and reward descriptions. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, and to change or update or supplement these Terms and Conditions, any information or cancel orders. You hereby acknowledge that you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions supplemented or modified by MH from time to time.


We undertake no obligation to update, amend or clarify information in the Application or on any related website.





If the “Unpredicted Event” leads to the delay or failure of the Application, MH is not liable for any loss.


The “Unpredicted Event” include but not limit to the connection issues, natural disasters, strikes or hacking.





Our service has designated operation hours and users should pay attention to any adjustment of the operation hours.





We may terminate or cease your user registration, or delete or remove your content, without providing any notice and reasons. You agree that we are not liable for any of your direct or indirect damages or losses. You also understand that the aforesaid cessation, termination or suspension are within our sole discretion and you agree to waive all claims against us or MH under any circumstances.


The services by MH and the Application is provided to you on an “as is” basis with no representation, warranty or guarantee.


You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend MH and its related companies, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, contractors, other partners against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, injuries, liabilities and all costs suffered or incurred as a result of your use of the Application, including but not limited to any of you acts or omissions in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions or your use of the Application.





If we find that you have failed to comply with these Terms and Conditions, we may terminate your account at any time without prior notice. MH has its absolute discretion to terminate the service provided in the Application and assume no liability whatsoever.


Upon termination of user’s account, all the Coins, virtual goods and redeemed rewards in the user’s account will be forfeited without further notice or compensation.






You can review the most current version of these Terms and Conditions at any time at this page. 


We reserve the right to update, change or amend any part of these Terms and Conditions. It is your responsibility to check our updated Terms and Conditions. If there is any amendment on these Terms and Conditions, your continuation to the use of our services represents the acceptance of those changes.



20. The Application is available only for Hong Kong users with Hong Kong local phone numbers only. MH reserves its right to reject the registration or delete and remove such users or individuals situate or domicile outside the territory in Hong Kong including their information provided to MH at its discretion.



21. The staff members from MH are not entitled the right to redeem the rewards.



22. If any clause of these Terms and Conditions is considered to be invalid partially or completely, the complete or part of the clause becomes unenforceable. It will not affect the enforceability and validity of other remaining agreement in these Terms and Conditions.



23. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Disputes arising here from shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.



24. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.



25. MH reserves the final decision and the ultimate full right to make any changes to these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.





Questions about these Terms and Conditions and the Application should be sent to us at




Last Update: 26 May 2021





此服務條款及細則規定 “Move Hub Application"(以下簡稱”應用程式”)的使用條款。應用程式由Move Hub Limited(以下簡稱“MH”或“我們”)開發及營運。服務條款及細則是MH與閣下的協議(閣下是指您、您的或應用程式的用戶)。為您提供應用程式及相關服務時,MH保留一切及相關權利,擁有權和利益(包括知識產權)。





1. 應⽤程式條款





2. 一般條件






3. 用戶年齡



4. 用戶註冊













5. 數據存取及操作


5.1 當您使用應用程式的服務,如上載文件時,您同意應用程式會使用手機裝置的相機鏡頭或存取裝置內的照片。除您上傳文件外,應用程式不會存取相薄內的其他資料。


5.2 當您在應用程式中使用社交媒體“共享”的功能時,應用程式中的某些服務將取用您社交媒體帳戶(例如Whatsapp、Facebook、Messenger、Skype等)。您使用此類功能屬絕對自願的。如你在手機裝置不選取社交媒體帳戶“共享”的功能,此功能不會在應用程式中啟動,應用程式並不能取用您社交媒體帳戶。當您使用“共享”功能時,您允許應用程式取用您社交媒體帳戶。對於“共享”功能,不同的社交媒體和手機裝置設定不一,您需要檢查及自行設定功能。此“共享”功能不會把您的個人數據透露給第三方。對於社交媒體帳戶的個人數據,相關的私隱政策條例不存在MH的控制範圍內。在任何社交媒體上使用“共享”功能,MH亦不會承擔任何責任。


5.3 使用應用程式時,您可能會接收到推送通知。如果您不希望收到這些通知,您可以在手機裝置關閉推送通知功能。對於推送通知功能,不同的手機裝置設定不一,您需要檢查及自行設定功能。


6. 虛擬貨幣及虛擬物品












7. 虛擬貨幣及虛擬物品的管理

7.1 您可透過應用程式中兌換金幣,虛擬物品及獎賞。兌換獎賞的詳情會說明在應用程式中,並附有有效期。獎賞必須在有效期內兌換,您不會就未使用的金幣、過期的虛擬貨幣及虛擬物品獲得任何退款。如您沒有跟據應用程式的指示來取得金幣和虛擬物品,MH有權視為虛擬貨幣及虛擬物品無效。

7.2 應用程式中的虛擬貨幣及虛擬物品不具有金錢價值,並不代表任何真實貨幣和任何類型的財產。它們也不能出售、轉讓或兌換成現金。未經MH授權,我們有權向您或相關用戶追討賠償。

8. 線上介面及電子網絡






9. 應用程式的使用規則


10. 獎賞和服務

10.1 如果您未年滿18歲,領取獎賞時必須由父母或監護人陪伴。


10.2 您必須在指定期限內到達指定地點領取獎賞,否則獎賞將被自動沒收,且不會退還金幣,虛擬物品及獎賞。


10.3 部分獎賞會通過郵寄方式寄出。您有責任在兌換過程中提供正確的地址。對於郵寄時的任何損失或損壞,MH不承擔任何責任。


10.4 部分獎賞會透過電子郵件寄出,如電子兌換碼,您有責任查看您的電子郵件是否妥善接收郵件。


10.5 您理解並接受所有獎賞數量有限,均以先到先得的方式兌換。如您在限期前及相關原因而無法兌換,我們不會補償任何金幣,虛擬物品及獎賞。

10.6 獎賞一經兌換、寄出或領取,則不能退還或交換。我們會把獎賞的圖像顯示在應用程式上,但不能保證圖像與實際產品相同。您亦同意遵守各種獎賞相對的服務條款及細則。商戶提供的獎賞,均受商戶提供的服務條款及細則的約束。


10.7 MH有權決定換領獎賞所需的虛擬貨幣及虛擬物品數量,及領取獎賞方法並能隨時作出更改。

11. 位置資料


12. 超連結和第三方網站





13. 個⼈信息







(a) 您有第一手經驗;


(b) 您不應發佈任何虛假或誤導性的陳述;


(c) 您的評論不應包含任何宗教、種族、性別、國籍、年齡、婚姻狀況、性取向或殘疾歧視的內容;


(d) 你的評論不應包含辱罵、種族主義、冒犯性、或仇恨的語言;和


(e) 你的評論不應包含非法的內容。





14. 錯誤、不準確和遺漏






15. 「不能抗力的事件」情況







16. 營業時間



17. 免責聲明









18. 終⽌






19. 服務條款及細則的變更







20. 應用程式僅適用於有香港本地電話號碼的香港用戶。MH保留拒絕註冊、移除或刪除在香港境外註冊的用戶帳號及其在MH提供信息的權利。



21. Move Hub Limited 的員工並沒有兌換獎賞的權利。



22. 如果某項服務條款及細則被視為部分或整項無效,該項服務條款及細則或有關部份會視為無效。它不會影響其他服務條款及細則的執行性和有效性。



23. 本服務條款及細則的解釋及執行均按照香港特別行政區的法例。香港特別行政區的法院對服務條款及細則的爭議有司法管轄權。



24. 如服務條款及細則的中文及英文版本有任何差異,將以英文版本為準。



25. MH保留對服務條款及細則的更改權利,任何更改恕不另行通知。如對MH有任何爭議,本公司保留一切最終決定權。



26. 聯絡資料







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